New blog on Substack – please follow me there

I've created a new blog on Substack, focusing on calling people to action against the Palestinian Holocaust and holding complicit people accountable, particularly in the movement that appropriates the term radical feminism.Please follow me there: who follow this blog, I don't want to lose touch with you. Please follow me on Facebook and my… Continue reading New blog on Substack – please follow me there

Queer theory is a neo-liberal male sexual “rights” movement – an update

Queer theory defines queer as any transgression of social norms around sexuality, sexual expression and desire. They don't necessarily believe in "identities", but nevertheless they defend the legal institution of "identities"; see Judith Butler's idea of "gender performativity". They deny that sexuality is innate (a view which some radical feminists share, but from a very… Continue reading Queer theory is a neo-liberal male sexual “rights” movement – an update

The importance of individual responsibility and choice in radical (materialist, systemic, structural, institutional) analysis

Benefiting from oppression and allowing it to continue is also my action, my choice and my responsibility. Systems, structures and institutions are made up of individuals. Classes are made up of individuals. Our class-based systemic/structural analysis in no way diminishes individual moral responsibility for one's choices and actions. In fact, moral responsibility and accountability for… Continue reading The importance of individual responsibility and choice in radical (materialist, systemic, structural, institutional) analysis

Suspended from Twitter for quoting trans activists’ abuse towards women

I've been engaging with a lot of people on Twitter over the past few weeks, mainly trying to push back against the appopriation of hijras/kinnars/aravanis/Khawaja Siras (the South Asian third gender) by the Western ideology of gender identity (which uses their existence to make the anti-scientific argument that the reproductive sex binary is a Western… Continue reading Suspended from Twitter for quoting trans activists’ abuse towards women

The mainstream gender critical movement has a racism/imperialism problem & First World responsibility for climate change

I posted the following on the subreddit Gc_woc: Ten days ago, I was banned from r/Radical_Feminists for calling out First World privilege and pointing out their greater responsibility for climate change: That mod is also a mod at r/GenderCritical; you can read about my previous experience with the GC mods at my blog post… Continue reading The mainstream gender critical movement has a racism/imperialism problem & First World responsibility for climate change

Left unity: reading literature from the opposing camps

I wrote the following post on GCdialoguesQT yesterday: I'm a radical who has come to believe very strongly in the necessity for unity among all those on the left to combat the rise of the neo-reactionary right. We are on the same side. The right has been using wedge issues where leftists disagree (including the… Continue reading Left unity: reading literature from the opposing camps

A record of my experience being censored and deplatformed by the moderators of the gendercritical subreddit for denouncing collaboration with right-wing anti-feminists

My initial post I posted the following on the gendercritical subreddit: If you empower, legitimise and allow yourself to be co-opted by right-wing anti-feminists, you are no radical feminist but an enemy of women. We must condemn collaboration in the strongest terms and take our movement back. ACTIVISM There was a recent post on this… Continue reading A record of my experience being censored and deplatformed by the moderators of the gendercritical subreddit for denouncing collaboration with right-wing anti-feminists